After the final presentations of Project 2, we had a fruitful conversation with the fellow students. Once one of them mentioned that studying architecture was easy, the sparkle appeared: all of us started arguing it was not, and the one can barely learn architecture, and that it what makes it exciting. While he compared it to mechanics or mathematics studies and 'you can just see thousands examples of libraries and that is it', we stood by the fact that studying architecture is about a cycle of trying out, failing and trying again. That conversation made me see once again that there are many inspired architecture students around me, who strive to test the limits and go beyond them. While all of us are joking about permanently stressing, being depressed and sleep deprived, and the answer to the question how are you doing is quite often 'I am not', the truth is beneath the mask: we do love architecture. Behind the curtain of apparent negligence and constant tiredness, if you unveil it for at least a tiny bit, you might notice this tremendous love and the feeling of being an inalienable part of this wonderful architecture world.
Hope you enjoyed this architecture student project read,