"If I cease searching, then, woe is me, I am lost. That is how I look at it - keep going, keep going come what may."
― Vincent van Gogh,The Letters of Vincent van Gogh
Art in various shapes and forms has always been underneath my skin: it could be paintings or small sketchbook notes, crafts or spots on the curtain at home after attempting oil for the first time. Since January 2022, I am consistently making daily drawings, about which I had an exhibition early in 2023, learn more here.
I am an artist in the Netherlands. I am currently located in Eindhoven, originally from Moldova. Open for collaboration.
Explore this part of my heart
You can just select the category and dive in. If you would like to have a part of it tangible, hold it in your hands and enjoy, artworks can be purchased as postcards, prints, tote bags, or T-shirts.
An artistic experiment where I keep drawing every day, which started on January 1st, 2022, and continues today, in 2024. Each drawing is A4 size, with various materials and techniques explored every month.
Collection of paintings and drawings of various sizes and tehcniques.
As an architecture student, I find special joy in drawing architecture. It can be either for the upcoming deadlines where I choose for analogue drawing or painting, or simply during my travels, where I want to capture the beauty on paper.
Stolen from a sketchbook
Sketchbook notes and drawings that often become as an alternative diary.
Attempting comic
With my love to Graphical novels, I hope to create one myself some time later. For now - these attempts to graphical storytelling (often through my daily drawings)
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Artistic works
I hope you enjoyed looking at my paintings. It seems to be almost as posting a personal diary, where I tell stories and share my love and passion.