rebirth and watercolor pencils
The end and the beginning, the wildfires from the bus or the ocean next day. It is the walk with Vit in the park at dusk and two hours of storytelling from my side with him listening, helping me find direction. It is the month of finding this concealed urge to make a change despite the intensity that was keeping me from it; it is the first time I could truly hear myself through all the doubts and the very next day I find myself with Carla crossing the whole London by foot. It is the trip to Portugal – the farthest I ever travelled at that point and the first time seeing the ocean.
When our bus was driving into wildfires that made me genuinely terrified, I once again knew: there is nothing more powerful than the love I hold for this life. July became a new phase of my life – and the one I consider to be an essential sign of my progress.
julydragan art on Instagram
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